Emeritus Prof. Steven Pfeiffer from Florida State University, USA
Research Area:
Parenting and gifted education, psychologis
Research Experience:
Steven Pfeiffer is a licensed psychologist, speaker, author, consultant, therapist, and professor. With 40 years’ professional experience, he brings a wealth of first-hand experience to his consulting, clinical work, and workshops.
Dr. Pfeiffer’s writing, research, and clinical work focus on the social and emotional needs of high ability kids and adolescents – the gifted. In a variety of capacities, Dr. Pfeiffer has worked with hundreds of gifted and their parents and families. For example, he was a Professor at Duke University, where he served as Executive Director of Duke’s gifted program, TIP. Over 40 years, he has counseled innumerable kids and adolescents, worked with hundreds of parents and families, and consulted with schools and teachers. Dr. Pfeiffer also served as a Clinical Psychologist in the US Navy Medical Service Corps.
Considered an expert on gifted identification and one of the leading authorities on the social and emotional needs of the gifted, he has testified at the White House and before the Italian Parliament. He has authored almost two hundred articles and over a dozen books (View Publications). He is Editor-in-Chief of the APA Handbook of Giftedness and Talent, published by APA Books. He is Co-Editor with Maureen Neihart and Tracy Cross of the Second Edition of The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children, a service publication of the National Association for Gifted Children. He is also Editor of Springer’s Handbook of Giftedness in Children, now in its Second Edition. He is author of the widely-popular book, Serving the Gifted. He is first author of the Gifted Rating Scales, published by MHS. The test is the most widely used teacher rating scale for screening gifted students.